Sometimes You Need Personalized Help to Bring Your Novel Dreams to Life

Guided Developmental Editing offers individualized focus on the five critical elements of your novel: plot, scene, character, setting, and dialogue.

This service is designed for writers who have taken their work-in-progress as far as they can on their own but need detailed editing to produce a professional-quality novel

What you get



Comprehensive Close Reading

A thorough review of your manuscript with detailed notes, suggestions, and ideas on how to enhance your plot, scenes, characters, settings, and dialogue. Every aspect of your story is carefully examined to bring out its full potential.


One-on-One Editorial Meeting

A private session to discuss the integration of edits into your manuscript. We'll troubleshoot any new challenges and refine strategies to strengthen your story.


Ongoing Editorial Guidance

Continued support to help you complete the novel you've always wanted to write. We'll work together until every problem is solved and your vision is fully realized.

About the Editor


Hi, I'm Mattβ€”an avid reader, fiction writer, and passionate teacher of the craft.

  • My short stories have appeared in Zero Dark Thirty, Wrath-Bearing Tree, and OAFNation, and I have published two novels.

  • I earned an MFA in Fiction from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2017, studying under acclaimed novelist Tom DeHaven.

  • After teaching hundreds of students as a professor of fiction, I founded NotMFA to demystify fiction writing for busy professionals. My tried-and-true processes turn rough draft dreams into final draft realities.

Let’s turn your novel into something truly special.