Get Personalized Coaching and Expert Feedback to Complete Your Novel
What you get
Weekly Personalized Feedback
Submit up to 30 pages each week and receive comprehensive, actionable feedback tailored to your novel’s goals. From plot and pacing to character development and dialogue, I’ll help you refine every aspect of your manuscript, one step at a time.
One-on-One Coaching Calls
Enjoy weekly, 1-hour personalized video sessions to discuss your novel in depth. Whether we’re solving plot holes, strengthening character arcs, or sharpening your prose, these coaching calls keep you focused, motivated, and on track.
Tailored Roadmap to Completion
Each writer’s journey is unique, which is why I’ll help you create a personalized plan to take your novel from rough idea to finished draft. You’ll have clear milestones to track progress and a system to ensure consistent momentum.
About the Mentor
Hi, I'm Matt—an avid reader, fiction writer, and passionate teacher of the craft.
My short stories have appeared in Zero Dark Thirty, Wrath-Bearing Tree, and OAFNation, and I have published two novels.
I earned an MFA in Fiction from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2017, studying under acclaimed novelist Tom DeHaven.
After teaching hundreds of students as a professor of fiction, I founded NotMFA to demystify fiction writing for busy professionals. My tried-and-true processes turn rough draft dreams into final draft realities.